Want to Transform your Lifestyle?

Meet London’s #1 Flat Conversion Experts

We offer the skill and dedication to ensure that your flat conversion is completed in style and to budget.

From Renovation to Realisation

We work closely with you to ensure that your conversion matches your vision.

London's Number 1 Flat Conversion Experts

With our superior craftsmanship & professional project management, we make your vision a reality.

  • 30 years’ experience
  • 100’s of Happy Clients
  • One Stop Shop – from Planning to Decorating
  • Expert Creative Solutions- everything is possible


Tasteful Renovations with Style

We work with you to tastefully and sympathetically bring your flat back to its true beauty. With years of experience bringing flat conversion ideas to life, we are able to ensure that your space is used well, so you can have all the necessary rooms exactly as you want them.


Room by Room Styling

If you need help converting, decorating & styling particular rooms only, or just refreshing a color scheme & adding accessories to your existing flat, but you’re not sure where to start from, our room-by-room styling service is perfect for you!


Flat Conversion Tailored to your Needs

We tailor our design services to our clients’ requirements.                                                                                          We take the time to get to know our clients to ensure we create unique designs and take the project from inception to completion using the very best products available. Our aim is to create inviting, stylish and elegant flat interiors that reflect our clients’ unique tastes, personalities and lifestyle.

Flat Conversions – From Design to Completion

We pride ourselves on being approachable and professional. We are a friendly, experienced team and we thoroughly enjoy our work.  From space planning and simple storage solutions to decorative schemes, we can help you plan, design and progress your project.

Looking for inspiration

Flat Conversions Portfolio

Hundreds of our happy customers have maximized their lifestyles by converting their flats to be functional, durable & the perfect fit for their lifestyle & needs.


Don’t take our word for this. Have a look at some of the project from our outstanding work.

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*Creating your Vision & new Building project will 100% require a Professional Quote & our Expert FREE Advice