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SeedFAST is a type of Advance Subscription Agreement (ASA). These are individual, simple, quick agreements for future equity in the company where investors pre-pay for shares that will then be allocated to them in the next funding round.
SeedFASTs and SeedNOTEs should be used as a bridge to a later funding round, that will usually take place within a year. These agreements are perfect for when you want to quickly take in a small investment and you don’t want to commit to a valuation and doing a full funding round.
Use a SeedFAST for a simple investment. SeedFASTs are SEIS/EIS compatible.
A SeedNOTE should be used when your investor requires more complex deal terms such as a return of capital.
The SeedFAST/ NOTE Agreement will convert to equity at the next funding round, when you raise above a preset qualifying amount, or at the long stop date, the date at which it will automatically convert if you don’t raise any more funds.
Investors can claim their SEIS/EIS tax relief in the tax year in which the shares were issued. This means that the investors won’t be able to claim their relief until the SeedFAST Agreement converts to equity.